September 20, 2024

About Me

Hey, Hi, Hello. My name is Wolf the Red.

I am an anti-fascist, anti-racist inclusive Norse Heathen in West Georgia. I spend a lot of my time fighting back against folkism and white supremacy in Heathenry and paganism broadly. I am Goði of Hearthfire, an inclusive Heathen religious community in the Atlanta area. I organize and host monthly gatherings of local pagans, providing a safe and inviting space for people from all walks of life to engage in communal spirituality. For more information on Hearthfire, visit the Hearthfire blog here. I also make YouTube content centered on providing resources, spiritual education, and practical applications of modern Heathenry. I fully support Declaration 127 and the Declaration of Deeds.

I organize and run the largest, and most active, inclusive pagan Discord community, The Hold. I host book clubs, ritual nights, times to share our spiritual experiences, and times to just hang out together and unwind with other pagans. I spend a great deal of time giving spiritual guidance and education, facilitating prayer requests, as well as discussion prompts to help the community navigate their own beliefs. Inclusivity is a major priority both at Hearthfire events and in the Hold. I work tirelessly to make sure our communities are a safe place for everyone, regardless of race, sex, gender identity, sexuality, financial status, or ability.

I have a beautiful, supportive, and patient wife, Katla, who is by my side as I continuously work to serve the community. Without her guidance and love, none of this would be possible. She is my rock. She is my safe haven. She is my better half, and I couldn’t do life without her. We have 3 beautiful children: 2 teenagers, Emma and Lilly, and a wild son we lovingly call Hurricane Rowan.

I’m a biker and part of a family-oriented MC. You can sometimes see me riding with my club in some of my YouTube videos. I’m a blue-collar factory worker, working anywhere from 40 – 60 hours a week, sometimes more. I’m a huge nerd and gamer. When I have time for it, I love to stream on Twitch.

If you’re interested in hanging out, I’d love to have you in the Discord. Nothing makes me happier than getting to meet and hang out with other pagans. I am approachable and friendly, and I hope to talk to you soon!